Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Best ke asrama?

Anonymous: Can you tell me apa bestnya asrama? I memang tak nak pergi asrama but my parents keep asking me samada i nak pergi or not and i cakap i;m not going there tapi entah la. HELP ME!
since I pernah pergi and pernah keluar dari asrama, here’s my advice.
If the location of the boarding school is not far from home, just go for it. Trust me, even after high school ends, people will never stop talking about it. It’s always high school that unites people in a new place.. Haha. A boarding school will give you a whole new experience, and that’s where you know what a true friendship is. Really. :) You don’t really know your friends until you live under the same roof with them. Asrama la paling best, semua dengan kawan. Recognition by people lagi, dahla yang terpilih je dapat masuk. Consider yourself lucky kalau dapat masuk ok. Nak duduk rumah, tak best sangat pun.. Unless you want to home sebab nak be with your parents, then takpe.
However if you think you can never go to a boarding school, then convince your parents that you can’t. Maybe not now. Yang penting, spm buat betul-betul.

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