Monday, August 24, 2015

Checklist travel

Berikut checklist for travel in Europe:

A. PAKAIAN (bersesuaian dgn musim sejuk)

1. Winter coats - 2 pasang
2. Jeans - 3 pasang
3. Blouse - 6 pasang
4. Sarung tangan - 2 pasang
5. Stoking - 5 pasang
6. Winter boots - 2 pasang
7. Sandle - 1 pasang
8. Shawls - 7 pasang
9. Sweater - 1 pasang
10. Anak tudung - 3 pasang
11. T-shirt - 1 lengan pendek, 2 lengan panjang
12. Seluar tidur - 2 pasang
13. Telekung & travel prayer mat - sepasang

B. TOILETRIES (saiz mini)
* rahsia utk mengurangkan berat bagasi ialah dengan membawa toiletries spt shampoo, ubat gigi, krim kecantikan, lotion dsbnya dalam saiz mini (letak bhn2x tersebut dlm travelling set yg boleh didapati di kedai2x atau farmasi)

1. Shampoo
2. Lotion
3. Soap
4. Lip Balm - melembapkan bibir yg kering
5. Krim
6. Pantyliner dan modes (perempuan shj) ^_*
7. Lipstick
8. Ubat gigi
9. Berus gigi

C. UBAT-UBATAN (mengikut keadaan kesihatan anda)

1. Panadol- 2 papan (16 pil)
2. Woods - 1 kotak : 24 biji
3. Ubat sakit perut
4. Minyak angin


1. Adapter antarabangsa - 1 pc

E. MAKANAN/ MINUMAN (penting!!!)

1. Roti berinti sardin/roti coklat
2. Milo 3 in 1
3. Mushroom sup
4. Chocolate energy bar (item mesti ada) - 5 paket.. utk memberi tenaga semasa dlm perjlnan...
5. Mee maggi cup - 1 pc + maggi paket (tgk keadaan bagasi)
6. Instant food (ibrahim)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

(Tips) Staying Motivated

Sometimes you’ll want to skip a workout or you’ll want to eat a whole entire pizza. Weight loss is hard. Whenever I lost motivation, I thought of all the reasons why I wanted to lose weight. Create your own list of reasons why you’d like to lose weight and remind yourself of them often. When you’re about to veer off track, just think of how absolutely healthy, slim, fit, and awesome you’ll be once you reach your ultimate goal weight.
Also, awarding yourself for reaching mini-goals is another great way of motivation (clothes, photoshoot, trip, concert, etc). 
Have a support group. Studies have shown that people who lose weight with others are more successful than people who don’t. If your family and friends aren’t supportive of your weight loss, that’s where tumblr comes in! 
You can also join a fitness class (yoga, dance, swimming, karate, wall climbing… what have you ALWAYS wanted to do?) so you have to work out. If you have some extra cash, invest in a gym membership as well. Or maybe even get a personal trainer? 
Don’t give up if you screw up: you will regret it. A slip up is minor in the whole picture of things. Of course there’s going to be failure, but you have to get back up and keep fighting. It’s hard, but the end effort IS worth it. Years from now, will you be healthy and slim or will you have given up and fallen back into your old unhealthy ways? It’s your choice.

(Tips) Exercise

It is best to exercise at least 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time to lose weight. Cardio exercise is what burns fat (anything that gets your heart rate up) and burns calories. That’s where you can subtract calories from your daily intake. Here’s a calories burned calculator. The most effective cardio workouts are running, biking, dancing, and swimming (just to name a few). Aim for at least 15 minutes of cardio each time you work out. 
You should also do some strength training. This can be lifting weights, doing crunches, lunges, squats, pushups, bicep curls… (google for more workouts). Though they burn less calories, they do build muscle. This is important because one pound of muscle takes up less space than one pound of fat, giving the illusion of even more weight loss! Plus muscle burns more calories than fat when you’re sitting still. And muscles will eliminate the skinny-flabby look. 
People who exercise burn more calories simply existing than people who don’t. In essence, working out burns calories, which increases your standing metabolism, burning more calories!
 SO GET OFF YOUR BUM AND MOVE. If you have time to tumblr you have time to work out! 
Remember the times I give are the bare MINIMUM. What I find most effective is 30+ minutes of cardio and 30+ minutes of strength training in one workout, 5 times a week.

(Tips) DIET

The following are some great tips I found while I was losing weight. You can use as many as you like. The bolded ones are the most important
1. Cut out junk/processed food as much as you can.
2. Drink 8 cups of water a day. Water flushes out toxins and keeps you full.
3. No liquid calories! Or cut them down as much as possible. They add up so much without being filling. Water and tea are your new best friends.
4. Eat in moderation. If you want that cookie, have ONE and be done with it. If you eliminate all your favorite foods, you will be more likely to lose self-control and binge. 
5. Are you at a restaurant and don’t know how to eat healthy? Here are some good tips.
6. Whole grains instead of white/enriched grains. Why? Because they don’t have the fibre and nutrients completely stripped from them. Fibre fills you up a lot! 
7. Eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables. They are full of nutrition and very calorie light. 
8. Eat protein. Protein is the most filling of all the macronutrients (carbs, fat, protein). Good sources of protein are chicken, turkey, beef, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. Google for more! 
9. Eat slowly. It takes several minutes for the feeling of being full to reach your brain.
10. DO NOT EAT IF YOU’RE NOT HUNGRY. Do not ever feel like you’re obligated to eat anything. 
11. Use a smaller plate. It gives the illusion that you’re eating more food.
12. Measure out what you’re eating. You don’t have to do it every single time you eat something, but do it once so you have an idea of what a serving size actually is. For example, chances are you’re pouring more than a recommended serving of one cup of cereal. 
13. Limit, if not eliminate all “extras” like butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, dressing, added sugar, added oil, etc.
14. Eat breakfast! There have been so many studies done that show that people who eat breakfast lose more weight. It kickstarts your metabolism for the day and you’re less likely to binge later.
15. Don’t eat mindlessly while watching the TV, on the computer, or doing other activity. Be very aware of what you eat.
16. Keep a food journal so you can be accountable.
17. Don’t eat out of a bottomless bag. Scoop one serving into a bowl and eat from that. 
18. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T STARVE YOURSELF. Your body will not live on 200 calories a day just because you told it to. There are so many adverse psychological and physical effects of starvation. You will be more likely to be depressed, get an eating disorder,  lose your health, and develop unhealthy habits for the rest of your life. Your body needs energy (food) to survive. Don’t think of food as something you need to eliminate. Food is just food. It’s not your friend, nor is it your enemy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

(Korean Drama) My Unfortunate Boyfriend 2015

genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama


No Min-woo as Yoon Tae-woon

Yang Jin-sung as Yoo Ji-na

Yoon Hak as Kang Hee-chul

Han Hye-rin as Jung Hye-mi


1.F.CUZ - This Must Be Love
2.Yoon Hak - My Love
3.Yun Kyu Sung - I Love You
4.Shin Jae - You're My Angel
5.Baek Chung Kang and JL - Fall in Love
6.Jungheum Band  - Feel Me Up
7.Lumin and Yoo Haeng Hoon - It's a Good Day
8.Da Hong  and Jin Min Ho - Ambiguous

Yoo Ji Na (Yang Jin Sung) is a budding career woman who has absolutely no issues with lying to get what she wants. But when she falls for the innocent and naive Yoon Tae Woon (No Min Woo), who is truthful to a fault, their budding romance becomes a liability for Ji Na’s cutthroat corporate job.  

Rating : 9/10

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ubat yang tidak membatalkan puasa

 Penggunaan Inhaler & Nebulizer boleh membatalkan puasa. Ia tidak termasuk dalam senarai di atas.

Ubat yang perlu berdaftar

Bahaya Ubat Tradisional Tidak Berdaftar

Penggunaan ubat tradisional tidak berdaftar boleh mendedahkan anda kepada bahaya yang mungkin boleh MERAGUT NYAWA ANDA! GUNALAH UBAT BERDAFTAR!

(ISU SEMASA) Ubat bertukar racun [Kosmo]

PENGGUNA perlu merujuk kepada pakar perubatan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil ubat-ubatan tradisional. 

DEWASA ini penggunaan ubat-ubatan tradisional dan komplementari (TCM) semakin mendapat kepercayaan berikutan kerancakan aktiviti penyelidikan dan kecanggihan teknologi yang digunakan pengeluar.
Ubat itu termasuk ubat tradisional Melayu dan Cina, selain rawatan ayurveda, homeopati dan akupuntur.
Bagaimanapun, bukan semua produk yang dikatakan ubat itu boleh menyembuhkan penyakit. Malah, banyak kes berkaitan ubat tradisional dan alternatif sebelum ini didapati mendatangkan mudarat.
Berdasarkan rekod Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, sebanyak 11,885 produk TCM telah didaftarkan dengan Pihak Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah (PBKD) setakat ini.
Namun, pada tahun lepas, Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan (BPFK) menerima 127 laporan kesan mudarat akibat penggunaan produk tradisional termasuk yang didaftarkan dengan PBKD.
BPFK mengesan pelbagai produk tradisional yang dicemari dengan bahan terkawal atau racun berjadual seperti steroid, sibutramine (ubat langsing) dan sildenafil (ubat kuat lelaki).
Bahan-bahan terkawal itu berfungsi untuk menahan kesakitan selain bertindak melangsingkan badan seseorang. Ia juga didakwa mampu menambah kekuatan tenaga batin lelaki dan wanita.
Mengulas isu ini, Pengarah Pusat Racun Negara, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Madya Razak Lajis memberitahu, kebanyakan ubat tradisional dan alternatif tidak melalui fasa ujian klinikal bagi mengenal pasti produk tersebut selamat digunakan.
“Produk yang telah didaftarkan ini hanya melalui ujian keselamatan penting di BPFK seperti saringan steroid, logam berat dan bahan terlarang berdasarkan dakwaan khasiat oleh pengeluar atau pengedar.
“Dakwaan yang dinyatakan oleh pengeluar mungkin terhad kepada kajian ke atas haiwan, testimoni pengguna dan rujukan secara turun-temurun,” katanya.
Namun begitu, Razak menjelaskan tidak semua produk tradisional memberi kesan sampingan kepada pengguna.
“Sama seperti ubat-ubatan moden, ada yang memberi kesan sampingan dan ada yang tidak.
“Apa yang penting pengguna yang mengambil ubat ini perlu merujuk pakar perubatan terlebih dahulu,” katanya.
Beliau juga mengingatkan penghidap penyakit kronik seperti darah tinggi dan kencing manis bahawa rawatan moden dan tradisional hanya berfungsi untuk mengawal penyakit tersebut dan bukan memulihkannya.

JANGAN berhenti mengambil ubat-ubatan moden walaupun serasi dengan ubat-ubatan tradisional. 

Katanya lagi, pesakit tidak harus berhenti daripada mengambil ubat-ubatan moden walaupun mereka sedang mencuba rawatan alternatif.
“Ini kerana ubat-ubatan tersebut dapat membantu mengelakkan penyakit tersebut daripada melarat.
“Ubat moden mesti diambil walaupun ubat tradisional terbabit mula menunjukkan kesan positif,” katanya.
Ujarnya lagi, ini bagi menggelakkan sebarang interaksi bahaya antara ubat-ubatan.
“Ubat tradisional berfungsi pada bahagian tertentu dalam badan sama seperti ubatan moden.
“Jika saling berinteraksi, ia mungkin mendatangkan bahaya pada individu itu selain mendedahkan pengguna kepada penyakit seperti kerosakan buah pinggang,” katanya.
Razak menambah, status kesihatan dan penyakit sedia ada adalah faktor yang mempengaruhi keberkesanan ubat tradisional.
“Sentiasa rujuk pada label dan kandungan ubat tersebut. Jika ragu-ragu, beli ubat tersebut di farmasi berdaftar,” katanya.
Seorang pakar farmasi dari Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Puncak Alam, Aida Azlina Ali, berkata bukan semua orang perlu mengambil ubat-ubatan tradisional.
“Jika seseorang telah mengamalkan diet yang sempurna dan berkhasiat, tubuh mereka tidak memerlukan ubat tersebut.
“Ini kerana pengambilan ubat tradisional tanpa mengikut keperluan boleh bertukar menjadi toksik yang membahayakan tubuh,” katanya.
Beliau turut menasihatkan mereka yang ingin mengambil produk TCM supaya bertanya kepada pakar perubatan sebelum menggunakannya.
“Mungkin ubat itu berkesan untuk jangka masa pendek sahaja. Teliti dahulu kandungannya serta rujuklah pakar.
“Selain itu, jangan sekali-kali meninggalkan ubat moden kerana kebanyakan ubat sebegini telah menjalani pelbagai ujian klinikal sebelum diluluskan,” katanya.

Artikel Penuh: 

(Korean Drama) Who Are You: School 2015

genre : Teen drama, School, Mystery



2.Baechigi-Fly With the Wind Feat Punch
3.I'll Listen To What You Have To Say- Yoon Mirae
6.That Name- Jonghyun And Teamin Shinee
7.Return-Wendy (Red Velvet) feat Yuk Ji Dam
8.SungJae Btob-Love Song

Go Eun-byul and Lee Eun-bi are identical twins separated at birth. Eun-bi lives at House of Love, an orphanage in Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang Province, where the younger residents look up to her as a mother figure. However, she hides the fact that she is bullied at school by a gang of mean girls led by Kang So-young, while teachers turn a blind eye.
On the other hand, Go Eun-byul is studying at Sekang High School, the most prestigious private high school in Seoul's Gangnam District. Eun-byul's best friends are Cha Song-joo and Lee Shi-jin, and she shares a mutual attraction with Han Yi-an , the school's star swimmer. They have been friends since they were 8.
Eun-bi and Eun-byul look exactly alike, but only Eun-byul is aware of the other's existence. Unlike the cheerful Eun-bi, Eun-byul is prickly and secretive.
One day, on a school field trip to Tongyeong, Eun-byul mysteriously disappears. At the same time, Eun-bi is unjustly expelled from her school and jumps off a bridge in a suicide attempt. Ten days later, the injured and amnesiac Eun-bi is mistaken for her twin Eun-byul, and the latter's adoptive mother takes her home to Seoul, where she starts living as Eun-byul. But soon her memory returns.
Eun-bi faces many challenges as Kang So Young transfers to Sekang High School and tries to reveal her real identity, as well as use her dad's help to make Eun-bi transfer. Luckily, Gong Tae Kwang, Eun-bi's classmate and the school troublemaker, protects her whenever So Young tries to bully her. Soon, Eun-bi tells Tae Kwang her real identity, and Tae Kwang becomes the only person Eun-bi can trust. He even begins to develop feelings for her.

Rating : 10/10

(Korean Drama) Let’s Eat 2 2015

Genre: Romance, Comedy



1.Delicious-Kang Nam 
2.With You-Kim Bo Kyung
3.Up & Down -Seo Hyun Jin feat. Risso
5.A Different You-Urban Zakapa
6.Why Don't You Know?-Yang Yo Sup 
7.Tea for Two, March of the Spoons, Evening Waltz, Breakfast With You-No Hyung Woo 
8.Maybe You-Choi In Young

Goo Dae-yeong’s rivals have appeared! Food blogger Goo Dae-yeong, the fourth year freelancer, Bae Soo-ji on one meal per day diet, who regards him as an enemy, and the vegetarian government worker, 'Lee Sang-woo'. 
This drama depicts the spicy and tasteful lives of the single dwellers in Sejong Villa, who has each one’s own unique taste.

Rating : 10/10

(Korean Drama) The Girl Who Sees Smells 2015

also known as : Sensory Couple
genre : Romance, Suspense, Comedy, Fantasy

cast :


1. Confusing – Juvie and Jang Yi Jung 
2. Spring is Gone By Chance – Loco and Yoo Joo
3. The First Time – Gye Bum Joo
4. I’ll Pray Everyday – Gemini
5.Because of You – M.C. the Max
6. You Are My Everything – Sweet Sorrow
7. Honey – Acourve
8. Just 5 More Minutes – NC.A, YANO and Sang Do
9. Jeokiyo – Jelly Cookie
10. Ordinary Farewell – Song Yoo Bin and Kim Na Young 

Choi Eun-seol (Shin Se-kyung) arrives home to find her parents murdered. When the murderer is distracted, she escapes but is hit by a car. Eun-seol's parents are later found with a barcode carved into their skin, the work of the "Barcode" serial killer. The lead detective on the case, Oh Jae-pyo (Jung In-gi) realizes that the now-comatose daughter Eun-seol is the sole surviving witness.
On that same night, Choi Mu-gak (Park Yoo-chun) is at the hospital visiting his younger sister, also named Choi Eun-seol (Kim So-hyun), who's being treated for mild injuries after a bus accident. But when he returns to her bed, he finds her dead with her throat slit.
Six months later, Eun-seol comes out of her coma. But she has no memories at all of her life before waking up at the hospital, and her left eye has turned green with no scientific explanation. She has also gained the unique ability to "see" smells as visible colors and shapes, and can even trace where people have been because their lingering scents are like a trail. To protect her, Jae-pyo adopts her and invents a new life for her, telling her that he's her real father and that her name is Oh Cho-rim. Another six months pass, and Cho-rim is a cheerful girl who's adjusted to her ability. She dreams of a becoming a comedienne, and works as a gopher for a small, struggling theater company called Frog Troupe.
On the other hand, Mu-gak had been so traumatized by his sister's death that after two months of no sleep and constant pain, he'd fainted and was clinically dead for ten days. When he woke up, he'd lost the sense of smell and taste, and is unable to feel pain. And unlike his previous warm personality, Mu-gak is now stoic, emotionless, and speaks in a monotone. He leaves his job at the aquarium to become a police officer, vowing to reopen the case and catch the killer. But to do so, he must first get promoted to detective, and has to prove himself to the head of the homicide unit Detective Kang Hyuk (Lee Won-jong) in ten days or else never ask for a promotion again. Cho-rim also needs a skit partner for her upcoming audition in ten days, and when she offers to help him with his cases in exchange, they decide to team up. After a model (Park Han-byul) turns up dead, seemingly another victim of the Barcode serial killer, Mu-gak joins the investigation headed by Lieutenant Yeom Mi (Yoon Jin-seo), and he hones in on two possible suspects: the model's boyfriend, chef Kwon Jae-hee (Namgung Min) and her doctor (Song Jong-ho).

Rating : 8/10

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

(Korean drama) Super Daddy Yeol 2015

genre : Romance, Comedy. Family


1. Jung Dong Ha - Yolo Man
2. Spica - Because of You
3.Chang Min (2AM) - Mirage
4. Lim Jeong Hee - It Hurts It Hurts
5. Rain And You - MIIII

Cha Mi-rae is a doctor and single mother to her young daughter Sa-rang. When she gets diagnosed with terminal cancer and told she has one year left to live, she seeks out her ex-boyfriend Han Yeol, a former baseball player. Mi-rae and Yeol were a couple a decade ago, but she broke up with him to study abroad and because she didn't think much of his prospects. Soon after, a serious injury forced him to retire from the sport, and Yeol became the rehabilitation coach of a major league baseball team. Mi-rae is determined to transform still-single, grungy, irritable Yeol into the best father possible for her daughter.

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

(Korean drama) Pinocchio 2014

genre : Romance, Drama, Comedy. Family



1.Tiger JK featuring Punch - First Love
2.Roy Kim - Pinocchio
3.Every Single Day - Non fiction, Challenge, My Story
4.Park Shin-hye - Love Is Like Snow, Dreaming a Dream
5.K.Will - The Only Person
6.Zion.T - Kiss me
7.Younha - Passionate to Me
8.Kim Bo-kyung - You're the One

As a child, Ha-Myeong (Lee Jong-Suk) grew up in a family with his firefighter father, mother and older brother. Ha-Myeong and his older brother (Yoon Gyun-Sang) both possess higher than normal intellect and are proud of their father. A fire at a waste facility though destroys his family. His mother dies a short time later and Ha-Myeong ends up being scooped out of the ocean by an unknown man (Byun Hee-Bong).
The man that pulls Ha-Myeong out of the ocean is the grandfather of In-Ha (Park Shin-Hye). In-Ha's grandfather believes Ha-Myeong is his eldest son Dal-Po, who died 30 years ago. Ha-Myeong is then adopted by In-Ha's grandfather and his name is changed to Dal-Po. In-Ha and Dal-Po now live together as uncle and niece, although they are in the same age range. In-Ha has a Pinocchio Syndrome. Whenever she lies she gets the hiccups. In-Ha and Dal-Po get along well until Dal-Po learns that In-Ha's mother (Jin Kyung) is the reporter that covered the waste facility fire that destroyed his family. Dal-Po tries to distance himself from In-Ha, but he also develops feelings for her.
Years later, Dal-Po and In-Ha's family are now living in Seoul. In-Ha attempts to become a reporter like her mother. In-Ha meets her mother for the first time in years at a job interview for MSC Broadcasting Station. Her mother is the person giving her the job interview. In-Ha though fails the job interview. Her mother rejects her because of her Pinocchio Syndrome.
Dal-Po is now driving a taxi to support their family. One day, Dal-Po meets In-Ha's mother and decides to become a reporter.

Rating : 8/10

(Korean drama) Bel ami 2014

also known as : Pretty Boy, Beautiful Man, Beautiful Guy
genre : romance, comedy



1.Bebop - Pretty Man
2.5live - Lovely Girl
3.Melody day - I Have a Person That I Love
4.Lunafly - Poor Sense of Direction
5.Hwanhee - Fever
6.Dear Cloud - Perfect
7.LEDApple - Going to You
8.Lee Jang-woo - Saying I Love You 
9.IU - Pastel Crayon
10.Jung Joon-young - I'm Nobody
11.Jang Keun-suk - Beautiful Day

Dokgo Ma-te (Jang Keun-suk) is the prettiest boy in the world, and he knows it. He sets out to use his good looks to achieve power, riches and splendor. Ma-te meets Hong Yoo-ra (Han Chae-young), an ex-heiress who was once the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. Yoo-ra senses a kindred gold digger in the ambitious Ma-tae and agrees to become his mentor in social climbing. She gives him a mission: Seduce 10 women who've all succeeded in different fields and afterwards, glean their individual, special abilities. But then Kim Bo-tong (IU), an ordinary girl from a poor background, enters Ma-te's life. She has a huge crush on him and is willing to do anything to help him succeed. Despite himself, Ma-te finds Bo-tong adorable, and the rules of the game change.

Rating : 4/10

(Korean drama) Birth of a beauty 2014

Genre: Romance, Comedy


Birth Of A Beauty-Joo Sang-Wook2.jpgBirth Of A Beauty-Han Ye-Seul2.jpgBirth Of A Beauty-Jung Gyu-Woon2.jpgBirth Of A Beauty-Wang Ji-Hye2.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Han Sang-Jin.jpg
Joo Sang-WookHan Ye-SeulJung Gyu-WoonWang Ji-HyeHan Sang-Jin
Han Tae-HeeSara / Sa Geum-RanLee Gang-JoonGyo Chae-YeonHan Min-Hyeok
Birth of a Beauty-Ha Jae-Suk.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Han Jin-Hee.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Kim Young-Ae.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Kang Kyung-Hun.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Jin Ye-Sol.jpg
Ha Jae-SukHan Jin-HeeKim Young-AeKang Kyung-HunJin Ye-Sol
Sa Geum-RanLee Jung-SikKo Soon-DongLee Jin-YoungLee Min-Young
Birth of a Beauty-Kim Yong-Rim.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Shim Yi-Young.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Kim Cheong.jpgBirth of a Beauty-In Gyo-Jin.jpgBirth of a Beauty-Lee Jong-Nam.jpg
Kim Yong-RimShim Yi-YoungKim CheongIn Gyo-JinLee Jong-Nam
Madame ParkEun Gyung-JooSon Ji-SookGyo Ji-HoonSim Yeo-Ok  

1.Kim Jong Hyun of SHINee - She
2.Gemini - Only I Didn't Know, If
3.Lee Hae Na - Dazzling
4.M.C. the Max - Looking at you
5.Lee Hyun of 8Eight - Though It Hurts, It's Okay
6.Han Na - Hajimothan Mal
7.Veloce - Like It's All Forgotten

Overweight, kind-hearted Sa Geum-ran (Ha Jae-sook) married into a well-to-do family, but her husband Lee Kang-joon (Jung Gyu-woon) has spent the past seven years in the United States for his business, and she lives with his mother and sisters who treat her badly. Geum-ran learns that Kang-joon has been having an affair with sophisticated broadcast announcer Gyo Chae-yeon (Wang Ji-hye), and he asks for a divorce. When she sees her in-laws welcoming Chae-yeon with open arms, the distraught Geum-ran threatens her husband, who follows her and causes her to drive her car off a cliff. Everyone assumes that Geum-ran committed suicide and attends her funeral, not knowing that she's still alive. To get revenge against those who've wronged and betrayed her, Geum-ran begs Han Tae-hee (Joo Sang-wook), whom she thought was the plastic surgeon of extreme-makeover television show Change, to transform her, and he reluctantly agrees because of his own ulterior motives. After weight loss and surgery, Geum-ran emerges from the full-body makeover as a stunningly beautiful woman, and she begins calling herself the new name Sara (Han Ye-seul), albeit retaining her coarse ajumma personality. With Tae-hee as her life coach, they scheme to ruin Kang-joon and Chae-yeon's upcoming wedding in three weeks. But as Sara interacts with Kang-joon in their staged run-ins, old feelings resurface, and she decides that instead of destroying him, she wants her husband back. They adjust their plan accordingly, though Tae-hee soon finds himself falling for Sara.

Rating : 10/10