Sunday, August 23, 2015

(Tips) DIET

The following are some great tips I found while I was losing weight. You can use as many as you like. The bolded ones are the most important
1. Cut out junk/processed food as much as you can.
2. Drink 8 cups of water a day. Water flushes out toxins and keeps you full.
3. No liquid calories! Or cut them down as much as possible. They add up so much without being filling. Water and tea are your new best friends.
4. Eat in moderation. If you want that cookie, have ONE and be done with it. If you eliminate all your favorite foods, you will be more likely to lose self-control and binge. 
5. Are you at a restaurant and don’t know how to eat healthy? Here are some good tips.
6. Whole grains instead of white/enriched grains. Why? Because they don’t have the fibre and nutrients completely stripped from them. Fibre fills you up a lot! 
7. Eat LOTS of fruits and vegetables. They are full of nutrition and very calorie light. 
8. Eat protein. Protein is the most filling of all the macronutrients (carbs, fat, protein). Good sources of protein are chicken, turkey, beef, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. Google for more! 
9. Eat slowly. It takes several minutes for the feeling of being full to reach your brain.
10. DO NOT EAT IF YOU’RE NOT HUNGRY. Do not ever feel like you’re obligated to eat anything. 
11. Use a smaller plate. It gives the illusion that you’re eating more food.
12. Measure out what you’re eating. You don’t have to do it every single time you eat something, but do it once so you have an idea of what a serving size actually is. For example, chances are you’re pouring more than a recommended serving of one cup of cereal. 
13. Limit, if not eliminate all “extras” like butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, dressing, added sugar, added oil, etc.
14. Eat breakfast! There have been so many studies done that show that people who eat breakfast lose more weight. It kickstarts your metabolism for the day and you’re less likely to binge later.
15. Don’t eat mindlessly while watching the TV, on the computer, or doing other activity. Be very aware of what you eat.
16. Keep a food journal so you can be accountable.
17. Don’t eat out of a bottomless bag. Scoop one serving into a bowl and eat from that. 
18. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T STARVE YOURSELF. Your body will not live on 200 calories a day just because you told it to. There are so many adverse psychological and physical effects of starvation. You will be more likely to be depressed, get an eating disorder,  lose your health, and develop unhealthy habits for the rest of your life. Your body needs energy (food) to survive. Don’t think of food as something you need to eliminate. Food is just food. It’s not your friend, nor is it your enemy.

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