Sunday, August 23, 2015

(Tips) Staying Motivated

Sometimes you’ll want to skip a workout or you’ll want to eat a whole entire pizza. Weight loss is hard. Whenever I lost motivation, I thought of all the reasons why I wanted to lose weight. Create your own list of reasons why you’d like to lose weight and remind yourself of them often. When you’re about to veer off track, just think of how absolutely healthy, slim, fit, and awesome you’ll be once you reach your ultimate goal weight.
Also, awarding yourself for reaching mini-goals is another great way of motivation (clothes, photoshoot, trip, concert, etc). 
Have a support group. Studies have shown that people who lose weight with others are more successful than people who don’t. If your family and friends aren’t supportive of your weight loss, that’s where tumblr comes in! 
You can also join a fitness class (yoga, dance, swimming, karate, wall climbing… what have you ALWAYS wanted to do?) so you have to work out. If you have some extra cash, invest in a gym membership as well. Or maybe even get a personal trainer? 
Don’t give up if you screw up: you will regret it. A slip up is minor in the whole picture of things. Of course there’s going to be failure, but you have to get back up and keep fighting. It’s hard, but the end effort IS worth it. Years from now, will you be healthy and slim or will you have given up and fallen back into your old unhealthy ways? It’s your choice.

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